Managing Your WordPress Website, for Small Business Owners
WordPress is technically called a content management system, but it’s best understood as website software. You use Microsoft Word to make documents. We use WordPress to make websites. WordPress is a flexible and agile platform with tons of benefits for small business…Read More

Using Analytics to Understand Your Website Visitors
Who’s coming to your website? Are you drawing the audience you want? How can you use analytics to understand your visitors, target the right audience for your offerings, and grow your business? We all want to bring traffic to our websites and…Read More

The Benefits of a WordPress Website for a Small Business
These days, almost all websites are built on content management systems, which is a fancy term for software that makes your website work. Foremost among these systems is WordPress. According to Wikipedia, WordPress is “used by more than 60 million websites, including…Read More

How to Determine Whether Your Website is Effective from the Front End
Today we’ll examine how to test and assess your website’s presentation from the front end. A website is made up from code, text, images, and other media. Visitors view the website through a browser, and the code tells the browser how to…Read More

Website Basics: What is a Domain Name and Registration?
Before you think about your website design or any other online marketing strategies and possibly before you even decide on a business name, you’ll have to find an available domain name and hosting provider so your site will have a place to…Read More

What Do These WordPress Professionals Do?
WordPress started out as a blogging platform that evolved into a full-fledged content management system (CMS). But for laypersons, it makes sense to think of WordPress as a website system, a piece of software that generates a website. As the most widely…Read More

How Often Do You Assess Your Website’s Performance?
Clients often ask me how often they should run website performance reports. The easy, canned answer is that you should run them once a month. But for some websites, that’s too often and a waste of time. For others, it’s not often…Read More

How to Choose a Website Manager for Your Small Business
Many small business owners find website ownership to be frustrating, which is understandable. After all, not all entrepreneurs are IT professionals, website designers, or marketing experts. These business owners encounter problems with web design projects and have to overcome challenges presented by…Read More

An Introduction to WordPress for Small Businesses
Getting a website is a big deal, especially when you’re starting your first small business. But even for mature businesses, a new website is an important step toward growth. Most small business owners are not web developers, and while they may know…Read More

What is Web Hosting and How Do You Choose a Provider?
Web hosting services (hosting providers) provide space on a web server, which is a special type of computer where you store your website files. This makes your website accessible to visitors via the internet. You are essentially renting space on the web…Read More