What is Essential for Small Business Blogging?
Business blogging isn’t a fast or easy road to success. You have to master the writing, grasp the technology, and command your audience. Upload images and download plugins. Moderate comments and manage posts. It’s a ten-person job, there’s only two hands at…Read More

Welcome to Buzz Pro Studio
Welcome to Buzz Pro Studio. I launched my first business in 2007 under the name Melissa Donovan Writing Services, offering copywriting to small businesses. A year later, I combined the word scribe with the slang word for business — biz — to come up…Read More

An Introduction to WordPress for Small Businesses
Getting a website is a big deal, especially when you’re starting your first small business. But even for mature businesses, a new website is an important step toward growth. Most small business owners are not web developers, and while they may know…Read More

What is Web Hosting and How Do You Choose a Provider?
Web hosting services (hosting providers) provide space on a web server, which is a special type of computer where you store your website files. This makes your website accessible to visitors via the internet. You are essentially renting space on the web…Read More

Questions to Ask Your Website Designer
If you’re launching a new business and need a website or if you’re getting a redesign for your existing website, there are some questions you should ask your website designer about their work and about the project. Most business owners aren’t web…Read More

Web Content Development Phase Two: Planning
This article is part of a series on web content development. To start at the beginning, check out “Introduction to Web Content Development.” We’ve already talked about how to lay the groundwork for your web content development by brainstorming. You jotted down…Read More

Quick Tips for Better Social Media Marketing
Once you get a social media profile set up and a campaign underway, there are lots of things you can do in just a few minutes each day to boost your presence and performance. For small businesses, social media campaigns usually involve…Read More

How to Choose Keywords for Your Website
The English language is incredible. There are hundreds of different word combinations that can be used to communicate a single idea. And every combination is a possible SEO keyword phrase for some website. Maybe yours. So how do you decide which words…Read More

How to Grow Your E-Mail List
A mailing list is one of the most effecting marketing tools that a small business or independent professional can develop. You can use your mailing list to build relationships with new customers or strengthen existing customer loyalty by sharing exclusive offers, unique…Read More

How to Attract New Customers Online
All businesses want to attract new customers while keeping their existing customers interested in their products and services. But drawing new customers is hard, especially when you’re a small business on a tight budget. Fortunately, the internet has leveled the playing field,…Read More